Jun 212016

This will be short and sweet (hopefully sweet).  If you have a session recording server setup you may notice that the entries/files don’t go away on their own.  Here is how to clean them up: Just create a scheduled task to run the code below once per day (as system – elevated): C:\Program Files\Citrix\SessionRecording\Server\Bin\icldb.exe remove /RETENTION:7 […]

May 062016

If you have tried to use Windows 10 in XenDesktop with Citrix Profile Management you have probably run into two major issues. The Issues The first issue is the start menu… which is now a database located at %localappdata%\TileDataLayer\Database.  At logoff when profile manager tries to copy it off it can’t due to services locking the […]

Mar 202015
Configure SMS2 with Netscaler (Free 2 Factor Authentication)

EDIT:  People have been requesting a tool to deploy SMS2 secret keys en mass, and the developer hasn’t implemented it yet.  Until he does I wrote a powershell script that will remotely connect to the sql database and inject the information needed for each user you select (http://pastebin.com/NBJHJPsX).  I have it setup for TOTP keys… […]

Oct 312014

I have seen where PVS targets (mainly Desktop OS) will fail to activate via KMS after booting, and/or not get the proper group policy settings.  I think this is because PVS hasn’t released the network when Windows is trying to activate/update gpo (or something along those lines).  On top of this in my environment I […]

Jan 072014
Multi-Stream ICA and Cisco QOS

I’m not going to go into the details about what Multi-Stream ICA (MSI) is in this article. I assume you already have a basic understanding of what this is and you are really just here to figure out how to configure it. If you do not, a great Citrix blog about Multi-Stream ICA has been […]