Oct 182019

Update 10/29/19: Added search (username/userfullname) to the Sessions tab.

Studio always seems extremely sluggish to me when trying to navigate between different areas. I’m always waiting a few seconds for the refresh circle to go away every single time I navigate somewhere new.

Most of the time I just need to put a machine in/out of maintenance, perform a power action, or logoff/disconnect a session. I found that power shell is MUCH faster, so I wrote a new little tool.

.net 4.5
The broker admin powershell snapin (available on the install media -alternatively you can run this on the delivery controller itself and use localhost as the connection string)

You can select each server/desktop/session individually, or select multiple. Then simply right click and select the operation to perform. I have tested this on versions 7.15 through 1906. Note: There is no warning! When you select the action to perform it will just do it.
Here is the download link

Operations allowed (depending on state):
Machines – turn on/off maintenance, shutdown, restart, reset, poweroff
Sessions – Disconnect, Log Off

  3 Responses to “Citrix Virtual Apps & Desktops Tool”

  1. great tool, I always wanted to make those simple operations faster. Brilliant.
    Is there a chance to get the Powershell Sourcecode ? I would like to contribute some extensions….

  2. Great tool. Thank You!

  3. Wow I would like to try this tool, thank you so much our citrix cloud can be slow, this is neat

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