Sep 252014

A while back I wrote a script to quickly update a XenServer host or pool with all the hotfixes placed in a directory. I got tired of doing it through the gui, and having to do each update one at a time… waiting for reboots in-between.
This script will look for .xsupdate files in the directory you specify in the script. Each one will be uploaded to the pool master (or single host), and applied. After that it will reboot each XenServer one at a time.
The reboot process will disable HA and WLB (if you have it) – otherwise it will just throw an error and continue. Then one at a time starting with the pool master they will switch to maintenance mode, migrate vms off, and reboot. Once the host that rebooted is back up and enabled it will move to the next.  At the end it will re-enable HA and WLB.

The only requirement is that you have XenCenter installed on your workstation (and of course powershell with an execution policy that allows scripts to run).

The only “issue” is the last host to reboot will remain without VMs until you move them back manually, or a load balancing function moves them.

As always… test before trying this in a production environment.

function checkconnect {
Write-Host "Waiting for $item to reboot and exit maintenance mode."
$check = &$xe -s $master -u root -pw $pass host-list name-label=$item params=enabled --minimal
if ($check -eq $true) {
write-host "$item is online"
} else {
Start-Sleep -s 10

$xe = “c:\program files (x86)\citrix\xencenter\xe.exe” # if a x86 machine it will be c:\program files
$pass = “ROOT PASSWORD” # password to connect to the pool master
$master = “IP or Hostname” # ipaddress or hostname of the pool master
$patchpath = “C:\XSUPDATES” # path to the .xsupdate file(s)
$patches = gci $patchpath | where {$ -like “*.xsupdate”} | select -expand fullname
$pool = &$xe host-list -s $master -u root -pw $pass params=name-label –minimal
$puuid = &$xe -s $master -u root -pw $pass pool-list –minimal
$hosts = $pool -split “,”
foreach ($patch in $patches) {
$uuid = &$xe patch-upload -s $master -u root -pw $pass file-name=$patch
&$xe patch-pool-apply -s $master -u root -pw $pass uuid=$uuid
write-host “Disabling HA and WLB.”
&$xe -s $master -u root -pw $pass pool-param-set wlb-enabled=false uuid=$puuid
&$xe -s $master -u root -pw $pass pool-ha-disable
foreach ($item in $hosts) {
$hostuuid = &$xe -s $master -u root -pw $pass host-list name-label=$item –minimal
write-host “Placing $item in maintenance mode.”
&$xe -s $master -u root -pw $pass host-disable uuid=$hostuuid
write-host “Migrating VMs off of $item”
&$xe -s $master -u root -pw $pass host-evacuate uuid=$hostuuid
write-host “Rebooting $item”
&$xe -s $master -u root -pw $pass host-reboot host=$item –force
write-host “Enabling HA and WLB.”
&$xe -s $master -u root -pw $pass pool-ha-enable
&$xe -s $master -u root -pw $pass pool-param-set wlb-enabled=true uuid=$puuid
write-host “Pool update complete.”


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